Powerful Quote…

5 09 2008

“The moment we label a person or situation, we put on blinders to all evidence that contradicts our diagnosis.” – Ori & Rom Brafman

I came across this quote from a friend’s blogand felt that I should pass it along with you!  I did a little more research and found that it was from the Brafman’s book SWAY: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational BehaviorI think I may have to pick up a copy and see what else I get from it.  If you have read it let me know what you think!

Over and out!


Hold that thought…

2 09 2008

So I thought I’d share a thought or two before I go MIA…

I’m not exactly sure why, but I’ve been thinking a lot about…well a lot of things.  One of them about friends.  The thing is I haven’t been thinking about my friends that I now, but friends from my past.  Don’t get me wrong though, I love my friends and do think about them often as well!  Anyway, so for whatever reason, I’ve been thinking about how I communicate with my friends, and vice versa.  I am a card guru, and love sending random cards to my friends just because, there really doesn’t have to be a reason at all!  They love receiving the cards just as much as I enjoy sending them!  My friends that I have currently are good about communicating with me, either through e-mail, snail mail, etc.  I unfortunately have experienced my fair share of friends that lack the know how of communicating.  Now, I’m not saying that for every card one should be sent back, but a “thank you” really goes a long way.  Anyway, I just thought that I would get that off my chest, and hopefully help out a few people with some relationships maybe…I don’t want to leave on a sour note though…so I want to leave this with a HUGE thank you to all of my friends who have supported me, and continue to love and support me through this next chapter of my life!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Over and out!


Soon to be MIA…

2 09 2008

Well, today is my last official day of break so I will only be posting sporadically.  With the next couple of months I will be taking organic chemistry I, general chemistry II, and principles of biology.  So as you can imagine, any “free” time that I’ll find, will be spent studying, sleeping and/or eating.  I’ll post updates from time to time, but they will be very brief.  So until next time…

Over and out!
